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About Us


RAN Network exists to mobilize, prepare and deploy effective disciple makers among the remaining 7000 Least-Reached Peoples of the world, among whom almost 3000 have no witness of Christ at all.

Partnering with other agencies, RAN is providing access to places where a non-missionary identity and pioneer approaches are required to see communities of Jesus followers established.

We desire to build meaningful partnerships with churches, Christian business people, daring mavericks, entrepreneurs, and other Christian disciples to bring transformational change to the peoples of the world with the least opportunity to hear of Christ.

We invite you to join us!

What We See

Making Christ Followers where the message is restricted

7000+ Least Reached People Groups

Cultural people groups in which less than 2% of the population are followers of Christ.  Without meeting that standard, the community of Jesus followers rarely has sufficient strength to evangelize their own people.

We must go to them – Cross-cultural missional activity is required to advance the gospel.

Almost 3000 Un-Engaged People Groups

People groups with no known witness of Christ are considered ‘UnEngaged’.  In most cases, there are no churches, no known believers, no bibles, no witness. 80% of all Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists will live and die without ever meeting a follower of Jesus.

Who will go first?  Who will say ‘Yes’ and follow Jesus to them?  How far will you go to turn on a light?

“…to the ends of the earth”

RAN’s purpose is to make Spirit-filled disciples and plant multiplying fellowships of  indigenous believers, particularly where a non-missionary identity and pioneer approaches/creative strategies are required.

Focusing on the Least-Reached...

RAN’s Focus: Least-Reached People Groups – The mission remaining: there are over 7000 Least-Reached people groups in our world. These groups lack enough followers of Christ and resources to evangelize their own people (defined as less than 2% Evangelical or 5% Christian).

Prioritizing the UnEngaged…

RAN’s Priority: UnEngaged People Groups – People groups which are understood not only to be “lost” and “unreached” but there is no incarnational gospel witness of any sort among them. Unengaged groups do not have a single church planting effort in the local language.

Employing all possible means…

RAN’s Field: Restricted Access Nations – The political reality is that many nations in the world restrict access to the gospel for the people within its borders.

To plant churches where there are none.

Where We Work


Finding an authentic identity is key to bringing transformation to a Least-reached people group.  Click here to discover how RAN can help you find your place in God’s world-changing ideas.

Education – In nations where ‘Creative Access’ is required for Christian witness to gain a hearing, teachers have incredible opportunity.  They train the most promising minds in society, influencing students and families to consider the claims of Jesus. RAN can open doors for teaching where your life can shine. Click here for current opportunities.

Social Redemption – The tragedy of refugees, the trafficked and the marginalized cripples societies in ‘least-reached’ nations. Meaningful opportunities exist to serve the forgotten and change their world. RAN can create space for your compassion to empower lives through mercy. Click here for current opportunities.

Technology & Business – Entrepreneurial skills bring hope in places where poverty and lack of education dominate daily life. RAN can help you develop a business that employs neighbours, builds dignity and brings transformation to whole communities. Click here for current opportunities.

Building Spiritual Life – Change a life and you change a family!  Change a family and you change a community! Change a community and you change a nation! RAN will help you fuel your passion and refine your skills to make disciples, train leaders and empower communities of faith through relevant witness, relationship and mentoring. Click here for current opportunities.


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